information portal

using the pulsstory:

gains advertisers


proper reader

Community gathering around pulsstory, consists of an active people, desiring to improve their sports achievements or to spend time in a healthier way.

This means people who train consciously, people, who will search specific information.

Access to such community can provide information portal direct access to readers, who are looking for specialized information.

Advertiser wants to find his way to the right customers. He wants to propose interesting products, that will suit his customers, because that’s what makes his advertising campaign successful.

Assuring advertisers, that their ad campaign will “hit the right target” should rise attractiveness of your portal in their eyes, which in the end will encourage them to start a campaign with you.

Automatically it will substantially influence the profitability of your portal.

strong brand
There’s no better advertisement, than sport friend recommendation.

Interesting and confirmed information is always passed on, and its source gains quick good reputation.

Portal community will propagate your brand in the most effective way – through the grapevine.

Such arose brand will live in mind of community members as a reliable source of information.